Answer Key – HSK Quiz: Chuān(穿) VS Dài(戴)

Answer: B A

Jīn tiān zhēn lěng! Wǒ bù jǐn chuān le yǔ róng fú hái dài shǎng le wéi jīn.
Today is really cold! Not only did I wear a down jacket, but I also put on a scarf.


Chuān (穿) is commonly used in the clothing, socks, and shoes that people wear on a daily basis. They are the most basic for a person.

Chuān zhe
Means “be wearing/dressed in”.

Chuān yuè
Means “pass through”.

Xiǎo míng chuān zhe yī jiàn hēi jiā kè.
Xiao Ming is wearing a black jacket.

Gāo tiě zhèng zài chuān yuè suì dào.
The high-speed train is passing through a tunnel.

Dài(戴) is commonly used with accessories (gloves, necklaces, hats, etc.). You’ll be fine even without them.

Dài shǎng
Means putting something on.

Ài dài
Means to love and respect to someone.

Qiú hūn zhī hòu, Xiǎo Hóng dài shàng le zuàn jiè.
After the proposal, Xiao Hong put on a diamond ring.

Liú lǎo shī hěn shòu xué shēng ài dài.
Teacher Liu is well respected by the students.

HSK 1 quiz
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