AP Chinese Lessons and Test Prep

AP Chinese prep
Our AP Chinese course focuses on improving your language ability in all aspects (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), as well as your familiarity with Chinese culture. The Chinese teachers will select appropriate AP Chinese-related materials based on your specific needs and level.
They will work around your particular strengths and weaknesses to ensure that you will get the best AP Chinese test score possible.

What is AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam?

The AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam assesses interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in Mandarin Chinese, along with knowledge of Chinese culture.
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Adoptive family Chinese culture teachers
Ruiya and Wenting
"Good news! My daughter Andrea is in high school and has passed the AP Chinese test! With eChineseLearning, it has worked out really well-Andrea has been taking the AP Prep lessons four or five hours a week for the past year. The lessons kept her disciplined and motivated toward the test. Thanks very much from the folks at eChineseLearning!"
- Wanda T. Nolte, Los Angles, U.S.
July 18, 2017