Mini-Test Answer: B.

Elementary Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer to this test is B.


           Duìbuqǐ, wǒ chídào le.
 Nate: 对不起,我    迟到  了。
           I’m sorry, I’m late.

           Nǐ zěnme huí shì a? Dì yī cì yuēhuì jiù chídào.
Ellen: 你   怎么    回 事啊?第一次  约会   就   迟到。
           What’s up with you? You are late for our first date.

          Gānggāng yì zhí zài dǔchē.
 Nate: 刚刚          一 直 在   堵车。
           I was in a traffic jam just now.


In the conversation above, the phrase “怎么回事 (zěnme huíshì)” means “what’s up” or “what happened,” and it shows that you care when you inquire about something. But if you add a modal particle, such as “啊 (a)” or “呀 (ya),” to the end of the phrase, then it has the meaning of taking someone to task.

          Lily jīntiān qǐngjià zhùyuàn le.
  Ben: Lily今天     请假      住院   了。
          Lily is ill in the hospital.

          Zěnme huí shì? Zuótiān bú shì hái hǎo hǎo de ma?
Mary: 怎么     回   事?昨天      不  是   还    好     好 的吗?
          What’s the matter? She was fine yesterday, wasn’t she?

             Bà, zhècì kǎoshì wǒ méi jígé.
     Son: 爸,这次 考试    我   没 及格。
             Dad, I didn’t pass this test.

             Nǐ zěnme huí shì a, měi cì dōu bù jígé.
Father: 你 怎么     回  事啊,每 次 都   不及格。
             What’s wrong with you? Why do you fail every time?

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