HSK Sample Test Answer Key: Has the Sister Found her Mother? (Listening Comprehension-Basic)

Basic 初级 (chūjí)

Correct answer: C
A. 姐姐刚见过妈妈 (jiějie gāng jiànguò māma) means “the sister has just seen the

B. 妈妈哪儿都没去 (māma nǎr dōu méi qù) means “the mother didn’t go
C. 姐姐没找到妈妈 (jiějie méi zhǎo dào māma) means “the sister didn’t find the
D. 姐姐没去找妈妈 (jiějie méi qù zhǎo māma) means “the sister didn’t go to find
     the mother.”

The correct answer is C. Because the sister said “我到处找了,都没找到.” It means “I looked for her everywhere. But I didn’t find her.”  So she didn’t find the mother.

Analysis :

The little  sister asked “妈妈不在家,她去哪里了 (Māma bú zài jiā, tā qù nǎlǐ le)?” It means “Mom is not at home now. Where is she?” And her sister replied “我到处找了,都没找到 (Wǒ dàochù zhǎo le, dōu méi zhǎo dào).” That is, “she looked for the mother everywhere. But she didn’t find her.” So from the conversation, you will know the right answer is C.

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0 thoughts on “HSK Sample Test Answer Key: Has the Sister Found her Mother? (Listening Comprehension-Basic)”

  1. When I saw your choices, “没找到” and “没去找” made me quite puzzled. But what does “没找过” mean?

  2. In HSK test, there are always such questions about synonyms. “没找过” has the same meaning as “没去找”. They both mean “didn’t go to find somebody or something.”

  3. What does “我压根儿就没看见他” mean? I saw this sentence many days ago in a HSK test paper.

  4. “我压根儿就没看见他“ means ” i didn’t meet him in the first place.”
    “压根儿”is an adverb which refers to ” in the first place or from the start”

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