Mandarin for Kids

Movie: Alice in Wonderland (Intermediate)

Movie: Alice in Wonderland (Intermediate) Key Learning Points (Preview):

梦游 (mèngyóu): n sleepwalking

梦想 (mèngxiǎng): v/n to dream of/dream

白日梦 (báirìmèng): n daydream

A:Zuìjìn de sānwéi lìtǐ diànyǐng zhēn jīngcǎi! 最近  的   三维 立体 电影      真     精彩! The recent 3D movies are really wonderful!

B:Shì,Bǐrú …

寄一封慢信给未来 Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

寄一封慢信给未来 (Jì yìfēng màn xìn gěi wèilái) Deliver A “Slow Letter” to the Future (Beginner)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

熊猫 (xióngmāo): n panda

鼓励 (gǔlì): v to encourage

感激 (gǎnjī): n gratitude

Recently a “特别的 (tèbiéde) special” company, whose primary service is delivering “slow” letters …

Chinese For Kids: How To Say “Parents” And “Grandparents” In Chinese (Beginner)

爸爸 (bàba): n dad/ father

“爸爸 (bàba)” is the most commonly used Chinese phrase for dad. But some people use “爹 (diē)” to refer dad.


A: Bàba, wǒ zhè zhōumò xiǎng qù hǎiyáng gōngyuán. 爸爸,我 这   周末      想      去   海洋     公园。 Dad, I want …

暑期计划 (shǔqī jìhuà) Summer Travel Plan

暑期计划 (shǔqī jìhuà) Summer Travel Plan   Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)  A: Shǔjià yǒu shěnme ānpái ma? 暑假有什么安排吗? Do you have any plans for your summer holiday?

B: Shǔjià wǒ cānjiā zhōngwén shǔqībān xué zhōngwén. 暑假我参加中文暑期班学中文。 I am going to take a summer Chinese program to…

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