Mandarin for Kids

Kids’ Chinese Idiom: 指鹿为马 Deer Or Horse? (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview): 千里马 (qiānlǐmǎ): n. a swift horse

明明 (míngmíng): adv. obviously; undoubtedly

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Zhège chéngyǔ gùshì de míngzi jiào zuò: zhǐlùwéimǎ. 这个     成语      故事    的 名字    叫    做:指鹿为马。

The name of this idiomatic story is “Deer or Horse?” …

Kids’ Chinese Story: 曹冲称象 Cao Chong Weighed An Elephant (Beginner)

曹冲称象(Cáo Chōng Chēng Xiàng) Cao Chong Weighed an Elephant

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Key Learning Points (Preview)

大象(dàxiàng): n. elephant

称(chēng): v. to weigh

Sānguó de shíhou, yǒurén sònggěi CáoCāo yìtóu jùxiàng. 三国       的   时候, 有人     送给       曹操      一头  巨象。

One day during the …

Kids’ Chinese Idiom: 亡羊补牢 It’s Never Too Late To Take Action (Beginner)

亡羊补牢(Wángyángbǔláo) It’s Never Too Late to Take Action

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Key Learning Points (Preview):    

狼(láng) n. wolf




Cóngqián yǒu gè rén, yǎngle jǐ zhī yáng.   从前           有  个  人,养了   几只  羊。

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd …

Chinese For Kids: An Old Man In The Frontier Lost His Horse (Intermediate)

塞翁失马 (Sàiwēngshīmǎ) An Old Man in Frontier Lost His Horse—A Blessing in Disguise (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

邻居 (línjū): n.neighbor

听说 (tīngshuō): v. to hear

带来 (dàilái): v. to bring

Zhànguó shí, yí wèi xìng Sài de lǎorén yǎngle xǔduō mǎ. 战国         时,一位 姓     …

Chinese Story for Kids: 盲人摸象 Blind Men and an Elephant (Beginner)

盲人摸象 (Mángrén mō xiàng) Blind Men and an Elephant

Key Learning Points (Preview):

牙齿 (yáchǐ): n. teeth

象 (xiàng): n. elephant

Cóngqián, yǒu sì gè mángrén hěn xiǎng zhīdào dàxiàng shì shénme yàngzi. 从前,       有   四 个    盲人    很    想      知道    大象      是    什么     样子。…

孟母三迁 Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education (Beginner)

孟母三迁 (Mèngmǔ sān qiān) Mencius’ Mother Relocates Home Three Times to Improve Her Son’s Education

Key Learning Points (Preview):

学习 (xuéxí): v to learn/to study

儿子 (érzi): n son

Once upon a time, there was a “淘气 (táoqì) naughty” boy named Mencius. At the beginning, …

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