Answer to An Apple a Day Keeps The Doctor Away! Take This HSK 4 Quiz

Answer: C


    Nǐ zhīdào píngguǒ duì rén yǒu shénme hǎochù ma?
3. 你  知道     苹果       对  人    有    什么       好处   吗?
    Do you know what the benefits of apples to people are?

    Jīngcháng chī píngguǒ búdàn kěyǐ jiǎnféi,
2. 经常           吃     苹果     不但   可以  减肥,
    Eating apples regularly can not only help you lose weight,

    Hái kěyǐ zhìliáo gǎnmào.
1. 还  可以    治疗    感冒。
    but also help treat a cold.

This quiz is a question and answer structure. The question “你知道苹果对人有什么好处吗?” goes first, then the answer follows.
Sentence 2 and sentence 1 are answers. Which one goes first? Pay attention to the key words “不但 (búdàn)⋯,而且 (ér’qiě)⋯” It is a very commonly used pattern that indicates “not only, … but also….” In Chinese, “不但 (búdàn)⋯⋯” goes first, then ”而且 (érqiě)⋯” follows. Therefore, the sentences’ order should be 3-2-1.

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