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eChineseLearning offers one of the most widely read Chinese language and culture newsletters on the web. Some of the popular topics include Chinese Pinyin, Chinese characters, Chinese culture, popular Chinese words, practical Chinese conversations, nursery rhymes for kids, idiomatic stories for teens, etc.
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"I love your newsletter. I have been receiving them for over two years and saved all of them as references. The topics are interesting, exciting, and up-to-date. I have been able to learn the most authentic Chinese phrases that I've never learned from my regular Chinese textbooks. Keep up the good work!"
Diane Wayne
"My daughter and I became a big fan of your newsletter after it was recommended to me by a friend. The content has been great for both my kid and myself. You have made Chinese learning enjoyable with stories, nursery rhymes, quizzes, and even tongue twisters!"
Cathy Young