Video Lesson: That’s Chinese Kungfu

Do you know Chinese Kungfu?

Exercises in the Video:

1. A: Wánɡ Yīnɡ, nǐ bà shēntǐ zhēn hǎo! Tā yídìng jīngcháng zuò yùndòng ba?
A: 王英,你爸身体真好!他一定经常做运动吧?
B: Shì a! Tā zuìjìn kāishǐ liàn qìɡōnɡ le.
B: 是啊!他最近开始练气功了。
Which fitness program did Wang Ying’s father start practicing recently? Please choose the best answer.

A. Wushu
B. Taichi
C. Chigong
2. A: Zhānɡ Lìli liàn wǔshù duōjiǔ le?
A: 张丽丽练武术多久了?
B: Tā cónɡ sì suì kāishǐ liàn wǔshù, dōu bā nián le.
B: 她从四岁开始练武术,都八年了。
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Zhang Lili has practiced taekwondo for 8 years.
B. Zhang Lili has practiced wushu for 8 years.
C. Zhang Lili has practiced chigong for 8 years.
3. A: Wǒ dǎsuàn cónɡ mínɡtiān kāishǐ zǎo diǎnr qǐchuánɡ, zuò zuo yùndònɡ.
A: 我打算从明天开始早点儿起床,做做运动。
B: Yào buyào ɡēn wǒ yìqǐ dǎ tàijí?
B: 要不要跟我一起打太极?
A: Nǐ huì dǎ tàijí?
A: 你会打太极?
B: Shì a! Wǒ měi tiān zǎoshɑnɡ dōu zài ɡōnɡyuán dǎ tàijí.
B: 是啊!我每天早上都在公园打太极。
Which fitness program are they talking about? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wǔshù
A. 武术
B. Qìɡōnɡ
B. 气功
C. Tàijíquán
C. 太极拳
4. A: Lǐ Lán, nǐ zhǔnbèi shénme shíhou hé Wánɡ Lì jiéhūn yɑ?
A: 李兰,你准备什么时候和王力结婚呀?
B: Wǒ juéde Wánɡ Lì bùxiǎnɡ ɡēn wǒ jiéhūn.
B: 我觉得王力不想跟我结婚。
A: Wèishénme?
A: 为什么?
B: Wǒ měi cì shuō jiéhūn de shìr, tā dōu ɡēn wǒ dǎ tàijí.
Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue? Please choose the best answer.
A. Wang Li evaded the topic of getting married.
B. Wang Li accepted Li Lan’s proposal of getting married.
C. Wang Li refused Li Lan’s proposal of getting married.
5. A: Lǐ Lán, nǐ shénme shíhou huán wǒ qián yɑ?
A: 李兰,你什么时候还我钱呀?
B: Háojiǔ bú jiàn! Nǐ shì bushì mínɡtiān yào qù Měiɡuó chūchāi yɑ?
B: 好久不见!你是不是明天要去美国出差呀?
A: Wǒ ɡēn nǐ shuō huánqián de shìr ne.
A: 我跟你说还钱的事儿呢。
Which of the following statements best describes what Li Lan is doing?
A. Liàn qìɡōnɡ
A. 练气功
B. Dǎ tàijí
B. 打太极
C. Liàn wǔshù.
C. 练武术

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