三只小猪的故事 (sān zhī xiăo zhū de gù shì) A story about three pigs

三只小猪的故事(sān zhī xiăo zhū de gù shì) A story about three pigs

1. Cóngqián, yŏu sān zhī xiăozhū líkāi māma, yào qù guò dúlì de shēnghuó.
从前,     有   三  只   小猪   离开  妈妈,要   去  过  独立 的    生活。
Long time ago, three pigs decided to leave their moms to live independently.

2. Zhū lăodà yòng dàocăo gài le yìjiān fángzi,tā hĕn déyì.
猪   老大   用     稻草   盖 了   一间  房子,他  很 得意。
The oldest pig built a house with straws and he was very proud of it.

3. Zhū lăoèr yòng shùzhī gài le yìjiān fángzi, tā hĕn mănyì.
猪  老二   用    树枝  盖 了 一间  房子, 他  很  满意。
The second oldest pig built a house with branches of trees and he was very pleased.

4. Zhū lăodà hé zhū lăoèr qù zhăo zhū lăosān wán, kànjiàn zhū lăosān zhèngzài huóní, tā yào gài yìjiān zhuāntóu fángzi ò!
猪  老大   和  猪  老二  去    找    猪   老三    玩, 看见   猪   老三      正在    和泥,他  要  盖  一间 砖头   房子  哦!
The youngest pig was preparing to build a brick house while his brothers were playing.

5. Bàngwăn, zhū lăodà hé zhū lăoèr wán lèi le dōu huíjiā shuìjiào le. Zhū lăosān háizài yìxīnyíyì dì gài fángzi. Fángzi măshàng jiùyào gài hăo le, tā hĕn xīngfèn.
傍晚,     猪  老大  和  猪  老二   玩 累  了  都   回家   睡觉  了。猪   老三   还在  一心一意 地 盖   房子。 房子    马上     就要    盖  好 了,他 很  兴奋。
In the evening, the youngest pig was still working on his house while his brothers had gone home to sleep after playing for a whole day. The brick house was then completed, and he was very excited.

6. Zhèshí, láng lái le…
这时, 狼  来  了……
At that time, a wolf came…

And then, what happened to these three pig brothers? More details will come in next issue. You are welcome to create stories for these three pigs and send to us at [email protected]Chinese for Kids
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