How to Make Your Own Chinese Name?

Did you learn how to select a fitting Chinese name from our last tutorial? While the basic naming method may not have met everyone’s expectations, this advanced version will definitely meet your customized needs. Let’s take a look together!

Your Chinese name can comprise:

Your aspirations for yourself

Male names:
明 (Míng) – Bright, 思 (Sī) – Thoughts, 翔 (Xiáng) – Glide, 鹏 (Péng) – Huge Bird, 涛 (Tāo) – Waves, 峰 (Fēng) – Peak, 宇 (Yǔ) – Universe, 仁 (Rén) – Benevolent, 逸 (Yì) – Leisurely, 超 (Chāo) – Surpass.
Female names:
婉 (Wǎn) – Graceful, 慧 (Huì) – Wise, 莹 (Yíng) – Lustrous, 蕾 (Lěi) – Blossom, 舒 (Shū) – Comfortable, 悦 (Yuè) – Happy, 佳 (JiāJiā) – Excellent, 欣 (Xīn) – Delighted, 敏 (Mǐn) – Agile, 倩 (Qiàn) – Elegant.


Sī Hào: Wǒ de míng zì shì Sī hào, Sī shì Sī xiǎng, hào shì guǎng kuò de yì si.
Si Hao: My name is Si Hao, where “Si” means “thought” and “Hao” means “vastness.”

Wǎn Wǎn: Zhēn hǎo tīng! Wǒ jiào Wǎn wǎn, lǎo shī gào sù wǒ zhè ge míng zì dài biǎo shú nǚ.
Wan Wan: That’s a wonderful name! My name is Wan Wan, which means “lady” according to my teacher.

Your fondness for everything in the world

猫 (Māo) – Cat, 狗 (Gǒu) – Dog, 雁 (Yàn) – Wild Goose, 熊 (Xióng) – Bear, 鹿 (Lù) – Deer, 牛 (Niú) – Ox, 凤 (Fèng) – Phoenix, 龙 (Míng) – Dragon, 虎 (Hǔ) – Tiger, 鲸 (Jīng) – Whale.
桃 (Táo) – Peach, 荷 (Hé) – Lotus, 竹 (Zhú) – Bamboo, 梅 (Méi) – Plum Blossom, 菊 (Jú) – Chrysanthemum, 兰 (Lán) – Orchid, 柳 (Liǔ) – Willow, 玫 (Méi) – Rose, 松 (Sōng) – Pine Tree, 梨 (Lí) – Pear.


Xiǎo Táo: Wǒ xǐ huan chī táo zi, suǒ yǐ wǒ de zhōng wén míng shì Xiǎo Táo.
Xiao Tao: I adore eating peaches, hence my Chinese name is Xiao Tao.

Xiǎo Hǔ: Wǒ jiào Xiǎo Hǔ, yīn wèi lǎo hǔ shì wǒ zuì xǐ huan de dòng wù.
Xiao Hu: I am called Xiao Hu because tigers are my beloved creatures.

Memories of time and festivals

春 (Chūn) – Spring, 夏 (Xià) – Summer, 秋 (Qiū) – Autumn, 冬 (Dōng) – Winter, 晨曦 (Chén xī) – Dawn, 时 (Shí) – Hour, Time, 秒 (Miǎo) – Second, 分 (Fēn) – Minute, 早 (Zǎo) – Morning, 晚 (Wǎn) – Evening.
Festivals/Solar terms:
雨 (Yǔ) – Rain, 霜 (Shuāng) – Frost, 露 (Lù) – Dew, 春分 (Chūn Fēn) – Spring Equinox, 冬至 (Dōng Zhì) – Winter Solstice, 元宵 (Yuán Xiāo) – Lantern Festival, 端午 (Duān Wǔ) – Dragon Boat Festival, 圣诞 (Shèng Dàn) – Christmas, 除夕 (Chú Xī) – Chinese New Year’s Eve.


Chén Xī: Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ shì Chén Xī, Chén xī dài biǎo zhe zǎo shàng de zhāo yáng!
Chen Xi: Hey there! I’m Chen Xi, where “Chen Xi” signifies the morning sun!

Xià Tiān: Hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ! Wǒ shì Xià Tiān, yīn wèi wǒ xǐ huan zài xià tiān qù chōng làng.
Xia Tian: Nice to meet you! I’m Xia Tian, and I selected this name as I adore surfing in summer.

By combining and arranging these words according to your preferences, you can create a perfect Chinese name!
What’s your Chinese name? Please let us know in the comment section!

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