Business Etiquette- Hang up a Phone Call (Intermediate)

Chinese Lessons about Business Etiquette- Hang up a Phone Call (Intermediate)

Key Learning Points (Preview):

帮忙(bāngmáng): v. to help

转达(zhuǎndá): v. to convey

近日(jìnrì): adv. soon

As we all know, proper telephone etiquette is an important part of maintaining harmonious business relationships. Do you know how to politely end a telephone conversation in Chinese? Ending a telephone conversation politely will help you make a good impression. Let’s start our Chinese lesson about how to hang up a phone call!

1. To a close friend
If you are familiar with the person, you can end the conversation by saying:

Hái yǒu shénme wǒ kěyǐ bāngmáng de ma?
还 有      什么    我 可以     帮忙      的  吗?

Is there anything else I can help you with?

2. To a friend (but you are unfamiliar with his/her family)
If you know the person but are unfamiliar with his/her family, you should say:

Qǐng dài wǒ xiàng nǐ  de jiārén wèn hǎo.
请     代  我    向   你 的  家人    问   好。

Please send your family my best regards.

3. To convey a message
When someone asks to leave a message, you can say:

Wǒ yídìng tì  nín zhuǎndá.
我   一定 替 您    转达。

I will make sure he/she gets your message.

4. To a customer
If your customer calls, you can say:

Xièxie nín dǎ diànhuà lái.
谢谢   您   打  电话     来。

Thanks for calling,

Hěn gāoxìng yǔ nín tōnghuà.
很       高兴   与  您     通话。

It’s a pleasure to speak with you.

Xīwàng jìnrì nénggòu jiànmiàn.
希望   近日  能够         见面。

I hope we will meet soon.

This is considered to be both polite and modest.

Key Learning Points:

帮忙(bāngmáng): v. to help



Wáng lǎoshī, qǐng nín bāngmáng fānyì   yí xià dì wǔ  kè.
王       老师,请    您        帮忙     翻译  一 下 第 五 课。

Mr. Wang, please help me translate lesson five.

转达(zhuǎndá): v. to convey



Qǐng xiàng nǐ  fùqīn zhuǎndá wǒ de xiè  yì.
请    向     你 父亲    转达    我  的  谢 意。

Please convey my gratitude to your father.

近日(jìnrì): adv. soon



Xīwàng jìnrì néng dédào nín de huífù.
希望    近日  能     得到    您 的 回复。

Hope to hear from you soon.

Learn more businessChineselessons:
Business Chineselessons: 商务电话礼仪 Business Etiquette—Make a phone call
Business Chineselessons: 商务问候 Business Greetings
Business Chineselessons: 商务问候礼仪 Business Greeting Etiquette
Business Chineselessons: 商务介绍礼仪 Business Etiquette–Business Card Exchanges and Introduction

Business Chinese
General Chinese (Beginner Level)
General Chinese (Intermediate Level)

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