Chinese Culture

Answer to Which Clothes and Foods Reveal Who is Rich in China

Answers: 1. B


Mary: Lì Li de bàba shì yījiā dà gōngsī de lǎobǎn, suǒyǐ tāmen jiā hěn yǒuqián, Lì Li xiǎng mǎi shénme jiù néng mǎi shénme. Mary:莉莉的爸爸是一家大公司的老板,所以他们家很有钱,莉莉想买什么就能买什么。 Lily’s father is the boss of a big company, so their family is rich and …

Answer to The Selfish Flower Dies Alone- a Cautionary Chinese Tale

Answers: 1. C


Yīnwèi táohuā hěn zìsī, suǒyǐ tā dédào le bùhǎo de jiéguǒ. 因为桃花很自私,所以它得到了不好的结果。 The peach blossom got bad results because of its selfishness.

① 桃花 (Táohuā): The peach blossom

② 结果 (Tjiéguǒ): result

③ 自私 (Zìsī): selfish

Through the above analysis, we …

Why This Holiday for Kids was “Stolen” by Young People in China

Today is the Children’s Day. Many countries in Asia celebrate this day.

“儿童节 (Értóng jié): Children’s Day”, is officially known as International Children’s Day. However, The holiday is officially called “六一国际儿童节 (Liùyī guójì értóng jié)”, which translates to “June 1 International Children’s Day” in Chinese. …

Answer to The Hidden Treasures of the Chinese Foodie World That Visitors Shouldn’t Miss! (Part Two)

Answer: 1. C


Xiǎo Xīn: Míng ming, yìqǐ qù chī lán zhōu lāmiàn ba. 小新:明明, 一起去吃兰州拉面吧。 Xiao Xin: Ming, let’s go to eat Lanzhou noodles.

Míng ming: Bǐ qǐ lán zhōu lāmiàn, wǒ gèng xiǎng chī shā xiàn xiǎochī. 明明:比起兰州拉面,我更想吃沙县小吃。 Ming Ming: I would …

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