Answer to HSK Quiz: Which Characters Don’t Belong?


1. 票→漂

票 (piào): ticket.

漂 (piào): fail; end in failure.

漂亮 (piàoliang): smart; beautiful.

“票 (piào)” and “漂 (piào)” are homophones having the same spelling but different meanings and origins.
Lìli shì yí gè hěn piàoliang de nǚhái.
丽丽是  一 个  很     漂亮    的 女孩。
Lily is a very beautiful girl.

2. ① 白→自

白 (bái): white.

自 (zì): self; from.

自助餐 (zìzhùcān): buffet.

白助餐 is the wrong phrase. “白 (bái)” and “自 (zì)” are totally different characters. But some learners may mix them up because they look similar.

② 实→食

实 (shí): true; fact.

食 (shí): food; eat.

食物 (shíwù): food.

“实 (shí)” and “食 (shí)” are homophones.
Zài yí cì zìzhùcān wǎnhuì shàng, wǒ chī le hǎo duō měiwèi de shíwù.
在  一 次  自助餐     晚会    上,  我  吃 了 好    多   美味   的  食物。
At a dinner buffet, I ate many kinds of delicious food.

3. 母→每

母 (mǔ): female.

每 (měi): each; often.

每次 (měicì): every time; at every turn.

In Chinese, there is no word “母次” in Chinese.
母 (mǔ) and 每 (měi) look similar but they are two different Chinese words.
Jiékè měi cì xuéxí dōu xiǎng tōulǎn.
杰克  每  次 学习   都    想    偷懒。
Jack is going to be slacking every time he learns.

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