1. C
2. B
3. A
1. Lǜ shī de jīng cǎi biàn hù, bó dé fǎ tíng shàng suǒ yǒu rén de zàn shǎng .
1. 律 师 的 精 彩 辩 护,博 得 法 庭 上 所 有 人 的 赞 赏。
The lawyer’s brilliant defense won the admiration of all in court.
The emphasis of“biàn hù (辩护)”is the character “hù(护)”. The phrase means defending oneself or others with sound reasons.
For example:
这位律师在法庭上理直气壮地为被告辩护。 (zhè wèi lǜ shī zài fǎ tíng shàng lǐ zhí qì zhuàng de wèi bèi gào biàn hù。) The lawyer represents the defendant with great confidence in court.
2. Xiǎo míng zuò cuò shì le ,tā hái zài wéi zì jǐ biàn jiě .
2. 小 明 做 错 事 了,他 还 在 为 自己 辩 解。
Xiao Ming did something wrong, but he is still explaining himself.
The emphasis of“biàn jiě (辩解) ”is the character“jiě (解)”, which means providing an explanation or trying to defend oneself. The use of this phrase indicates his or her opinions or actions are correct or the mistakes are not that serious.
For example:
你明明做错事,还找这么多理由辩解。(nǐ míng míng zuò cuò shì,hái zhǎo zhè me duō lǐ yóu biàn jiě。):You found so many reasons to explain for you even if you did something wrong so obviously.
3. Miàn duì shànɡ jí de zé nàn , tā lǐ zhí qì zhuànɡ de wéi zì jǐ biàn bái , sī háo méi yǒu wèi suō.
3. 面 对 上 级 的 责 难 , 他 理 直 气 壮 地 为 自己 辩 白, 丝 毫 没 有 畏 缩 。
Facing censure from his superiors, he defended himself without flinching.
The emphasis of “ biàn bái (辨白) ”is the character “bái”(白), which means clarifying the facts. This phrase usually means to make the truth come to light by defending or justifying oneself from being misunderstood or criticized.
For example:
他没有做过的事情,他懒得辨白(tā méi yǒu zuò guò de shì qíng,tā lǎn dé biàn bái。): He is too lazy to justify what he hasn’t done.