Answer to What About Chinese Class? Find Out with This HSK 2 Quiz

Answer: A

Mr Wu: Tóngxuémen, jīntiān de zhōngwén kè jiù shàng dào zhèlǐ. Dàjiā yǒu shénme bùdǒng
Mr Wu:   同   学   们,今 天  的    中    文  课  就   上     到   这里。大家  有    什  么   不  懂
            de wèntí kěyǐ xiàkè lái wèn wǒ.
            的  问 题 可以下课 来  问   我。

Mr Wu: Everyone, Chinese class is over. You can ask me after the class if you have any

A. Mr Wu shàng wán kè le.
    Mr Wu    上     完  课 了。

    Mr Wu finished the class.

B. Mr Wu gāng kāishǐ shàngkè.
    Mr Wu    刚   开始    上   课。

    Mr Wu just started the class.

C. Mr Wu méi zài shàngkè.
    Mr Wu  没  在    上   课。

    Mr Wu wasn’t teaching.

These are the often heard sentences in Chinese class, well, only when the teacher is about to finish or has finished the class. Besides, we can infer from the sentence “同学们,今天的中文课就上到这里 (tóngxuémen, jīntiān de zhōngwén kè jiù shàng dào zhèlǐ), the class is finished.” So, the answer is A.
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