Have You Ever “蹭饭(cèngfàn)” at Other People’s Homes?

Zhāng Míng: Wáng Lì,  jīntiān néng qù nǐjiā cèngfàn ma?
张        明:   王     丽,今天    能    去 你家  蹭饭      吗?
Zhang Ming: Wang Li, Can I go to your home for dinner today?

Wáng Lì: Wèishénme qù wǒjiā cèngfàn?
王     丽:为什么       去  我家   蹭饭?
Wang Li: Why do you go to my home for dinner?

Zhāng Míng: Wǒ māma jīntiān bú zàijiā.
张        明:  我   妈妈    今天   不  在家。
Zhang Ming: My mom is not at home today.

Which statement is CORRECT according to the dialogue?
A. Wang Li invited Zhang Ming to her home to have dinner.
B. Zhang Ming wants to eat dinner for free at Wang Li’s home.
C. Zhang Ming wants to go to Wang Li’s home for dinner, but he will pay for the dinner.

5 thoughts on “Have You Ever “蹭饭(cèngfàn)” at Other People’s Homes?”

  1. it is very good that we can learn chinese language through your sifht the input is very valuable.

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