Chinese Song – 好宝宝(Hǎobǎobao) Good Child

Tiān lánlán, báiyún piāo, bēiqǐ xiǎoshūbāo.
天     蓝蓝,白云 飘, 背起  小书包。
The sky is blue with floating white clouds, and I carry my little bag.

Huār kāi, niǎor jiào, tàiyáng gōnggong xiào.
花儿 开,鸟儿  叫, 太阳     公公           笑。
The flowers bloom, the birds sing, and the sun smiles.

Qín shuāyá, qín xǐzǎo, wǒ shì hǎobǎobao.
勤    刷牙,  勤  洗澡,我  是 好宝宝。
I often brush my teeth and take a shower. I am a good child.

Ài māma, ài bàba, wǒ yào kuàikuài zhǎnggāo.
爱 妈妈,爱 爸爸,我 要   快快       长高。
I love my mom and I love my dad. I want to grow up quickly.

Xiǎofēijī, zhǐfēijī, yìqǐ zuòyóuxì.
Little plane, paper plane, let’s play a game.

Chóngchóng fēi, wēngwēngwēng, mìfēng zài cǎimì.
虫虫 飞,             嗡嗡嗡,             蜜蜂     在  采蜜。
The little bees fly and buzz, they are collecting honey.

Cǎor lǜ, chūntiān dào, shìjiè duō měihǎo.
草儿 绿,春天       到,世界  多   美好。
The grass turns green when springtime comes. The world is so wonderful.

Ài māma, ài bàba, wǒ yào kuàikuài zhǎnggāo.
爱 妈妈,爱 爸爸,我 要   快快       长高。
I love my mom and I love my dad. I want to grow up quickly.


1. 勤(qín) adverb. often/frequently
Qínxǐshǒu shì yígè hǎoxíguàn.
勤洗手       是 一个 好习惯。
Washing your hands often is a good habit.

2. 采(cǎi) verb. collect
Tāmen zài cǎicháyè.
他们     在  采茶叶。
They are collecting tea leaves.

3. 美好(měihǎo) adjective. wonderful
Jīntiān zhēn měihǎo!
今天     真     美好!
Today is really wonderful!


1. It is a ____ day and I feel so happy.
A. 美好的(měihǎode)
B. 安心的(ānxīnde)
C. 烦恼的(fánnǎode)
2. What does 勤洗手(qínxǐshǒu) mean?
A. Never wash your hands.
B. Frequently wash your hands.
C. Sometimes wash your hands.
3. What are the bees doing in the picture?

Bees are collecting honey

A. 采蜜(cǎimì)
B. 开花(kāihuā)
C. 洗澡(xǐzǎo)

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